

1  發貨人在下單前請確定收貨地點是否派送範圍 (詳情請看區域附加費),派送最長尺寸限300cm.


2 在以下情況下本公司不作派送:在街上交收,沒有詳細地址,沒有手提電話號碼,大廈沒有電梯/升降機。

3 當貨送到目的地而客人拒收、拒付,本公司仍會收取所有費用,若第二次派送需收重派費,或客戶可到荔枝角總台就不需收取重派費。

4 每票貨物長度在 1.5米或以上,單件重量在40KG或以上 ( 每票 須另加收超長或超重件大車派送費 HK$110.兩項同時產生只需加HK220.00)


5 不接受指定一個日期或時間派送

6 由於很多樓上商鋪都需限制送貨時間在兩點後才可派送又因商埸樓上商鋪等候電楊時間較長需另加收費用,詳見各各區表。

7 所有派送須30分鐘以上免費停車且要有電梯可上樓,才可派送,否則請自行到樓下自取,但仍需收超區,若客戶自付停車埸費,須由寄方確認才送。

8 若派件地區沒有列表的,可能不在派送範圍內,請查清楚可否派送才下單。

9 村屋地區,若車輛不能駛至門口的,請客戶自行到大路路口自取。

10  不會於星期日或公眾假期派送貨物。

11 所有首重或續重不足1公斤(KG),將以1公斤(KG)計算。

12 訂單確認後不能更改派送地址,若派送改改自取要安排通知後的第二天,但只可以安排到荔枝角自取。其他自取點收費  HK50.00

13 派送的指定地址為 "住宅區" ,派送員會根據按客戶提供的聯絡電話,於派送貨物前致電給客戶,

    然後送貨到客戶的指定地址; 派送的指定地址為 "工商業區",暫不提供派送前之聯絡安排。

14 可以做運費到付

15.每票(包括住宅及工商)100KG或以上须加收车场补贴费,首100 KG收取30元人民币,后续每KG 收0.1元人民币




1 所有派送地區須要有30分鐘以上免費停車,才可派送,否則請自行到樓下自取。派送最長尺寸限300cm.


2 任何貨件若輪候超過45分鐘作C區入倉費計費。(詳情請看區域附加費)

3 凡到灣仔會展,若需到將軍澳排車,每票另加收300元費用; 若未能提供足夠證件(車證,入場證,搬運證) 所有延誤,本公司概不負責。       

4 每票貨物若在1.8米或以上,有限制的單件重量在70KG或以上,每票另加收超長或超重件派送費HK$110. 兩項同時產生只需加HK$220


5 凡入倉檔(入倉單,發票,裝箱單,送貨單或收件所需檔) 無充足份數者(至少一式3份,碼頭倉一式5),每張加收影印費10.00元。

6 凡欠部份入倉檔或入倉檔無附在提單旁,一律作問題件留倉處理,只在提供完整檔資料後一個工作天安排派送,不能追急。

7 列表內的區域若派件需去第二次則需加收重派費(如閘費,登記費、停車費, 買卡板費等),各項費用憑票實報實銷;及按人民幣計費。

8 凡因貨物破損需要重新換箱產生的換箱費以及因貨物過重產生的吊臂車或鏟車費用等,由站點承擔。

9 若司機派送的大廈或屋苑,如沒有升降機,需要收件人自行到大廈或屋苑地下交收,派送的司機不會上樓。

10 所有首重或續重不足1公斤(KG),將以1公斤(KG)計算。

11 可以做運費到付

12.每票(包括住宅及工商)100KG或以上须加收车场补贴费,首100 KG收取30元人民币,后续每KG 收0.1元人民币

Residential .png

1. Please confirm the destination is within the delivery range before placing the order. 

    For details, please see “Regional Surcharge” Tap. 

    If it is not in the delivery range, the shipment will remain at Lai Chi Kok Office for pick up.

2. We will not delivery for the following situations: address is on street, no detailed address, missing recipient’s cell phone number, 

    and no elevator/lift in the building.

3. We will still charge all fees when the goods are delivered to the destination but the customer refuses to accept or refuse to pay. 

    Second delivery requires a re-distribution fee, or customer could pick up at Lai Chi Kok Office with no re-distribution fee.

4. Volume calculation for China transit (length cmX width cmX height÷6000) Taiwan, United States, Japan, Australia 

    (L cm * Wcm * Hcm÷5000),

Other regions are (LcmX WcmX H÷6000). The actual weight and volume of the goods will be compared, The shipping costs will 

    be calculated by whichever is heavier.

5. There is a HK$220 surcharge for length>1.5meters, or weight>40KG (overlength/overweight delivery fee HK$220) Only add 

    HK220.00 for two simultaneous situation.

6. We no not accept delivery at a specified date or time

7. Additional charges are required for upstairs shops. See the table of each district for details.

8. Please come downstairs to receive your package, unless there is a 30mins free parking. If the customer pays the parking fee, 

    it must be confirmed by the sender before delivery.

9. If the delivery area is not on the list, it may not be within the delivery scope. Please check whether it can be delivered before placing an order.

10.Please go to the road junction to pick up the package, if the vehicle cannot reach the door in the village house area

11. There is no delivery on Sundays or public holidays.

12. If the first weight or the additional weight is less than 1 kilogram (KG), it will be calculated as 1 kilogram (KG).

13. After the order is confirmed, the delivery address cannot be changed. If you would like to change to pick up, 

    you can only arrange it on the next day after the notification

     (Will only available for pick up at Lai Chi Kok). Other self-pickup points charge: HK$ 30.

14. Our driver will call the recipient before delivering to "residential area". There will be no phone call if the delivery address is 

    "Industrial and Commercial District".

15. The shipment must be prepaid if the goods exceed 1,000 HKD for large furniture, glass products and valuables goods! 

    Other goods may do payment on delivery.


1. All delivery areas require more than 30 minutes of free parking before delivery, otherwise, please go downstairs to pick it up by yourself.

2. Any shipment will be charged as a zone C warehousing fee if the waiting time exceeds 45 minutes.

    For details, please see “Regional Surcharge” Tap.

3. For the Wan Chai Convention and Exhibition, if you need to line up to Tseung Kwan O, an additional fee of 300 yuan 

    will be charged for each ticket; if you cannot provide enough

    The company is not responsible for all the delays in the documents (vehicle permits, entrance permits, transport permits).

4. If the cargo per ticket is 1.8 meters or more, the weight of a single piece with restrictions is 100KG or more, and 

    each ticket will be charged separately.

    The delivery fee for overlength or overweight items is HK$220.00, and the fare for extra colleges and universities, 

    if both items are generated at the same time, only add HK$220.00

5. Any warehousing file (warehouse receipt, invoice, packing list, delivery note or files required for receiving) does not have 

    enough copies (At least 3 copies in duplicate, 5 copies in the dock warehouse), a photocopying fee for each is RMB10.00.

6. Where part of the owed warehousing file or warehousing file is not attached to the bill of lading, it will be treated as 

    a problem piece, and only when the complete file is provided. The delivery will be arranged one working day later.

7. If the area on list needs to be sent for the second time, a re-distribution fee (such as gate fee, registration fee, parking fee, 

    purchase card board fee, etc.) will be charged. All expenses are reimbursed and reimbursed by invoice; and billed in RMB.

8. Any container replacement fee incurred due to the damage of the cargo and the need to replace the container, and the cost 

    of a boom truck or forklift due to the weight of the cargo, etc., shall be borne by the site.

9. If the building or housing estate delivered by the driver does not have a lift, the recipient needs to go to the ground floor of the 

 building or housing estate for delivery by himself, and the delivery driver will not go upstairs.

10. All first weight or additional weight less than 1 kilogram (KG) will be calculated as 1 kilogram (KG).

11. Shipment can be pay on delivery.
